What Are Deportable Crimes in Texas?

In the United States, the intersection of criminal law and immigration regulations can be complex and daunting, especially for immigrants in Texas facing deportation due to certain criminal accusations.

Understanding what constitutes deportable crimes in Texas is crucial for immigrants to navigate the intricate legal landscape effectively. In this blog post, we'll explore the specifics of deportable crimes in Texas, shedding light on the categories of offenses and their potential immigration consequences.

Types of Deportable Crimes

Deportable crimes, also known as aggravated felonies, encompass a broad range of offenses that can lead to deportation for non-citizens, including lawful permanent residents, visa holders, and undocumented immigrants.

These crimes can vary from violent felonies to non-violent offenses, and their classification as deportable offenses is determined by federal immigration laws, particularly the Immigration and Nationality Act (INA).

Violent Offenses

Violent crimes such as murder, manslaughter, aggravated assault, and certain forms of domestic violence are among the most serious deportable offenses in Texas. Conviction for these crimes can lead to immediate deportation proceedings, irrespective of the length of the defendant’s residency in the United States.

Drug Offenses

Drug-related offenses, including trafficking, possession with intent to distribute, and manufacturing controlled substances, can trigger deportation proceedings under federal immigration laws. Even misdemeanor drug offenses can have severe immigration consequences, highlighting the importance of seeking legal counsel in such cases.

Crimes of Moral Turpitude

Crimes of moral turpitude, which encompass offenses involving dishonesty, fraud, or depravity, are considered grounds for deportation in Texas. Examples include theft, forgery, and certain forms of fraud. The characterization of a crime as one of moral turpitude depends on various factors, including the nature and severity of the offense.

Firearms Offenses

Offenses related to firearms, such as illegal possession, use of a firearm during the commission of a crime, or firearms trafficking, can result in deportation for non-citizens in Texas. The strict enforcement of gun laws underscores the need for immigrants to be vigilant about compliance with firearm regulations to avoid immigration repercussions.

Immigration Offenses

Violations of immigration laws, including illegal reentry after deportation, document fraud, and visa fraud, are considered deportable crimes in Texas. These offenses can lead to immediate removal from the country and may also result in subsequent bars to reentry, complicating future immigration prospects for affected persons.

Immigration Consequences

The immigration consequences of deportable crimes in Texas can be severe and long-lasting. Those facing deportation may be subjected to detention, removal proceedings, and ultimately, expulsion from the United States. Moreover, a criminal conviction can have far-reaching implications for one's immigration status, potentially leading to inadmissibility, visa revocation, or permanent bars to reentry.

Contact a Criminal Defense Attorney for Help

In light of the significant stakes involved, it's essential that those facing deportation for a criminal offense in Texas seek competent legal representation. At Rodriguez & Gimbert P.L.L.C., we are experienced criminal defense lawyers who also have experience handling immigration-related legal matters. If having such an attorney on your side is important to you, we encourage you to reach out to us to arrange a consultation.

For more information about how to protect your freedom and immigration status, contact us online.
